1. Guide to General Meeting /Annual Meeting


Announcement and Call for Papers

International Symposium of Maxillofacial &

Oral Regenerative Biology in OKAYAMA 2005

Joint Meetings

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Association of Dental Traumatology

International Symposium of Asian Dental Traumatology

The 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology

The 4th Asian Science Seminar


Place:The 50th Memorial Hall, Tsushima Campus, Okayama University

Date: September 17 – 20, 2005 

Invited Lecturers 

Prof. Michel Goldberg (University Paris 5)

Prof. Kristina Heikinheimo (University of Turku)

Prof. Henri Tenenbaum (University Louis Pasteur)

Prof. William Butler (Texas University)

Prof. A. Hari Reddi (University of California)

Prof. Minoru UedaNagoya University

Prof. Isao KohjimaTokyo University

Prof. Yasuhiko TabataKyoto Universityothers


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Grant- in-Aid for Scientific Research 2005,  Grant- in -Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results in Okayama 2005

Chairman: Noriyuki Nagai, Graduate School of Medicine,  Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,  Okayama University

Information: E-mail : nori@md.okayama-u.ac.jp H.P. : http://www.htbiol.gr.jp/japan/index_j.html


Background and Purpose

This International Symposium is a joint meeting of four society  including the Association of Dental Traumatology, Asian Dental Traumatology, the Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology and the 4th Asian Science Seminar, supported by Grant-in- Aid for Scientific Research and Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results in Okayama 2005.

“ International Symposium of Maxillofacial & Oral Regenerative Biology in Okayama 2005” has various purposes mentioned below


The Symposium would give many researchers in the field of maxillofacial and oral regenerative biology good opportunity for exchanging information by the distinguished researchers in both basic and clinical fields.

This is the Symposium which we would rebuild medical special field by combining Medicine and Dentistry.

This Symposium would not only educate the young leaders in this field but promote the collaborative research in various countries building up the program of the research technique.


The proceedings of this Symposium will be published in the Journal of Hard Tissue Biology, Vol. 14, Special Issue 2005.

September. 2005

Noriyuki Nagai


1. Instructions for Symposists


Both members and non-members of the Association of Dental Traumatology, The Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology (researcher, doctor, dentist, international student, graduate etc.) could give a presentation.

The way of presentation is either oral presentation or poster. Each is presented in mini-symposium form according to the theme.

The duration is 10-15 minutes including discussion. The poster is exhibited only for one day. You can choose the day among three days September 17, 18, 19. The style is described on another paper.

The presenters will receive the Attendance Certificate.


2. Registration Fee


 Advance Registration 10,000  yen  (till September 1)

 On -site Registration 12,000 yen


We would recommend you to finish payment before September 1 in order to avoid confusion on the day, using the special payment form from the Post Office.


Acount Number : 01360 – 1 - 6862
Acount Name: 口腔顔面頭蓋国際シンポ岡山2005


3. For International Students and Participants from Abroad


International students (graduates, research students in Japan) could present their articles without charge, but a supervisor should attend with them at the meeting.

Foreign researchers (in post-doctoral level) in Japan should pay registration fee.

For foreign participants from Asian countries

10 symposists (under 45 years old) would be invited from Asian countries.

Candidates (oral presentation, poster) would make registration by the end of June, 2005. The title of the article, name of the author, institutional affiliation, address, CV, list of achievement should be sent to the Office mentioned below by E-mail. Then the office would give them Invitation Letter and related documents for the convenience of getting VISA, if necessary.

TEL : 086-235-6651 FAX : 086-235-6654     E-mail : nori@md.okayama-u.ac.jp

Address : Noriyuki Nagai

Dept. of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University

700-8525    2-5-1  Shikata-cho, Okayama, Japan 700-8525

Expenses for travel and food would be paid by the participant. Expenses for hotel would be paid by Okayama University (Prof. Nagai).

Foreign symposists do not need to pay registration fee.


4. Composition of International Symposium & Recruitment of Organizer for Rental Symposium

Invited and designated lecture

These special lectures would be given by inviting the distinguished  researchers and professors in the world.

General symposium (Oral presentation, Postar) Room B


    This symposium would be held in mini-symposium form, classifying the articles according to the theme. A member of the committee would take a role of an organizer.

Recruitment of organizer for rental symposium  Room B

    Expert researchers would hold their own symposium with their own

    themes by gathering symposists and managing the symposium as an organizer.

    Presentation both in English and Japanese are available.

    In this case, each participant would pay all expenses (registration fee, trip, accommodation    etc)

Time for symposium : 1.5 – 2 hours

Number of symposists : 3 – 5 people

Candidates would inform the office below by the end of May.

TEL : 086-235- 6651    FAX : 086-235-6654 E-mail : nori@md.okayama-u.ac.jp

Address : Noriyuki Nagai

Dept. of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,

   Okayama University

   2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Okayama, Japan700-8525

Poster : Classified by the theme, Free discussion, Both English and Japanese are available.


5. Satellite Seminar

Seminar and Practice of Management of Medical Information for Dentists.by Dr. Kenji Kawahara (Okayama University) Co-operated by Morita Co.


6. Presentation Style

Oral presentation : Duration of presentation is 10 –15 minutes including discussion, using computer based projector. Only one screen for a presentation will be available. The committee will prepare PC for the participants. You could present in Japanese but the words on the slides should be written in English.

Poster presentation : Either English or Japanese is available. This would be given in mini-symposium style. The size is 90 –140 p with the title and institutional affiliation. Entry number would be given by the office. If you have a question, please inform the office.


7.Instructions for Presenters

Oral and poster presentation

Title, name of the author, institutional affiliation, correspondence (E-mail, Fax, Tel) should be given in both Japanese and English. International students should give name of the supervisor and correspondenceDeadline : May30, 2005


Method of application : E-mail, post

E-mail : nori@md.okayama-u.ac.jp

Address : Noriyuki Nagai

Dept. of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University

2-5-1  Shikata-cho, Okayama, Japan 700-8525


In case of post mailing, CD or FD and the hard copy of the article should be enclosed.

Three keywords relates with your article should be chosen among following items.

1, formation, regeneration of bone and tooth;

2, medical materials;

3, DDS, medicine;

4, oral, maxillofacial and tooth disease;

5, basic research or clinical report;

6, regenerative medicine;

7, oral cancer etc.

Authors should make the presentation style clear either in oral or poster and in English or Japanese at the registration. (You can change it later.)

8 Method of the Abstracts and Proceedings Submission


1, Abstract Deadline : June 30, 2005

E-mail (nori@md.okayama-u.ac.jp) or post mailing

Either English or Japanese is available. (Both are OK)

In case of Japanese, within 300 letters, except the title, name of the author, institutional affiliation

In case of English, within 100 words, except the title, name of the author, institutional affiliation

In case of post mailing, CD or FD and hard copy of the article should be enclosed.


Address : Noriyuki Nagai

Dept. of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,

Okayama University

Shikata-cho, Okayama, Japan 700-8525


2, Proceedings  Deadline : September 17 - 19, 2005

Manuscript must be typed double-spaced with 2.5p margins on A4.

2 pages including figures and monochrome photos (Follow the instruction of J. of Hard Tissue Biology)

Proceedings should be written in English. They should be handed in the office on September 17 – 19, 2005.

You could send it before the Symposium.

Published Proceedings, special issue vol. 14, 2005, J. of Hard Tissue Biology (CODEN-JHTBFF,ISSN 1341-7649) will be sent to participants without charge.

9. Party

Date : September 17, 2005     P.M. 18 20

Place : Peach Plaza (Tsushima Campus, Okayama University)

Charge : 5, 000 Yen


You could pay 5, 000 Yen on the day of party. But We recommend you advance payment together with registration fee. In case of payment at Post office, you should add 5, 000 Yen to the payment form.


10. Information

International Symposium of Maxillofacial & Oral Regenerative Biology in Okayama, 2005

Chairman, Executive Committee : Noriyuki Nagai


TEL : 81-86-235-6651    FAX : 81-86-235-6654 E-mail : nori@md.okayama-u.ac.jp

Address :

Dept. of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University 2-5-1  Shikata-cho, Okayama, Japan, 700-8525

Staffs : Ishizaka, Atarashi


Time Schedule

Deadline of title submission                    May 30, 2005

Deadline of application for rental symposium      May 30, 2005

Deadline of abstract                          June 30, 2005

Deadline of invitation of foreign researchers       June 30, 2005

Deadline of advance registration                September 1, 2005

Deadline of Proceedings                      September 17 - 19, 2005

14th Annual Meeting of the Society of Hard Tissue Biology
Application Form for Lecture



No. of lecture

*Title of lecture



*Mailing address



Date of lecture:4, August 2001 (Sat.) AM : PM :

Duration of lecture ( ) minutes



Please fill up the blanks marked with *