Instructions to Authors for Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts    





Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (CODEN-JHTB, PRINT ISSN 1341-7649, ONLINE ISSIN 1880-828X) is each official journal of academic members who organize The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association (JHTB Net).


Aims and Scope The journal covers all disciplines involved in the fields of hard tissue regenerative biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, hard tissue biology, dentistry and oral maxillofacial surgery, craniofacial research, including molecular and morphological studies related to oral physiological and pathological conditions, also included in basic examination results, clinical research, and case reports.  Contents include: original research papers, review articles, case reports, new technical innovation, book review, etc 

[Abstracted/Indexed in Thomsons ISI Web of Sciencce(Science Citation Index Expanded). Journal Citation Reports/Sceice Edition, GeNii (National Institute of Informatics academic content portal), Japan Centra Revuo Medicina, Chemical Abstracts]

Editorial policy  Journal of Hard Tissue Biology publishes papers relating to all areas of basic and clinical dental and medical science.  Papers may be submitted by those not affiliated with JHTB members.  Only original papers which have not been published or submitted elsewhere and timely review articles should be submitted.  Papers may be full length articles or short communications.  Case repots are considered if they describe significant and substantial new findings.  Each Case Report should be accompanied by a letter describing the purpose and outcome of the study, along with a summary that includes key sentences from the text and that should be meaningful to scientists in other disciplines.  Prior consultation with the editor is recommended before preparing or submitting review articles.  Responsibility lies entirely with the author for all statements contained in the paper, including bibliographic references.  Manuscripts must be written in English.  For any investigation involving human subjects, informed consent must be obtained from the subject(s) and/or their guardian(s) and this must be clearly stated in the paper.

Ethics  Investigations on human subjects and experiments should conform to accepted ethical standards formulated in the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 (revised in 2000, cf.  Fully informed consent should be obtained and noted in the manuscripts.  Similarly, the protocol for animal experiments should also comply with the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and should be approved by an institutional review board.

Form of Manuscript   Instructions to Authors for preparation and Submission of Manuscripts  The journal of Hard Tissue Biology is abstracted/indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch #4236), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, J-Stage (Japan Science and Technology/Information Aggregator, Electronic, GeNii (National Institute of Informatics), Japan Centra Revuo Medicina and Chemical Abstracts.  The Journal publishes original research articles and invites short reviews.  The article must be complete with a rationale, pertinent study data and a conclusion.  The articles should be as brief as possible while still presenting the necessary information for an evaluation by readers.

Form of Manuscript   Instructions to Authors for preparation and Submission of Manuscripts  The journal of Hard Tissue Biology is abstracted/indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch #4236), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, J-Stage (Japan Science and Technology/Information Aggregator, Electronic, GeNii (National Institute of Informatics), Japan Centra Revuo Medicina and Chemical Abstracts. The Journal publishes original research articles and invites short reviews.  The article must be complete with a rationale, pertinent study data and a conclusion.  The articles should be as brief as possible while still presenting the necessary information for an evaluation by readers.

Manuscripts should be submitted to

Tohru Takagi, Editorial Secretariat & Managing Editor

The Journal of Hard Tissue Biology / Network Association

1-10-11-905 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0014, Japan


    Authors may wish to use rapid mail service.  Manuscript must be written in English and typed double spaced with 2.5 cm margins on all sides using A-4 paper, and submitted in triplicate with at least two sets of original figures.  Authors whose command of English is not thorough should enlist the aid of an English-speaking colleague or editor.  Pages should be numbered consecutively beginning with the title page.  A 3.5 inch diskette (floppy disk) containing the abstract, the full text, tables, legends to figures, and references should, if possible, accompany the original submission.  The diskette may be in Macintoch or PC format and should use commonly used software such as Microsoft word or WordPerfect.  The name of the corresponding author, the date, the hardware and the software used should appear on the label of the diskette.  The inability delay to provide a diskette will not affect acceptance but could delay publication.

Review Process and Revision of Manuscripts   The manuscripts will be reviewed initially for appropriateness and general format at the Editorial Office foreign PhD researchers.  When possible, rapid mail service and facsimile will be utilized.  The manuscript will be either fully accepted, accepted with minor changes, rejected with an invitation to resubmit after major changes, or rejected.  All decisions may be appealed to the Editor committer.   All correspondence should be addressed to the Editorial secretariat. 

    Manuscripts are sent to 2-3 specialists who suggest whether to accept or reject the article or to return it to the author(s) for revision.  In the case of revised manuscripts, 2 copies of the revised manuscript should be returned to the Editor along with the original manuscript returned by the Editor.  Responses to any comments or questions raised by the Editor and/or reviewers must also be included.  The author(s) must clearly specify all alterations performed in response to any comments or questions raised by the Editor and/or reviewers.  Authors are required to submit the revised version within 6 months and should understand that papers resubmitted after 2-3 months will be treated as new submissions.



l. Title page





This page should include from top to bottom; (a) full title of the paper; (b) names and affiliations of the authors ; (c) a short running title



and (d) name, address, telephone number, E-mail adress and facsimile number of the corresponding author.




2. Abstract (page 2)





The abstract should provide a concise description of the study and summarize its major conclusions in 500 words or less. It must be



able to stand alone for use by abstracting services. Use full references when necessary not citations. Follow the abstract





3. Text






The text should be divided into: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. The Discussion should be brief and limited



to interpretations and reasonable speculation.




4. Abbreviations





Accepted standard abbreviations may be used. Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined by a footnote or in parenthesis when first



used in the text.





5. Footnotes





Footnotes should be used only when necessary. They should be indicated by superscript numbers and placed on a separate page.



Footnotes in a table should be kept with the table.





6. Acknowledgments





Acknowledgments to consultants, others who contributed in some way, and supporting agencies should appear on a separate page.




7 . References





Each reference should include the surnames and initials of all the authors, full title of the article, journal name using standard abbreviations,



volume, inclusive pages , and year of publication in the format shown below:





    Journal article





(1) Missana L , Nagai N and Kuboki Y. Comparative histological studies of bone and cartilage formation induced by various BMP-



carrier composites. Jpn J Oral Biol 36: 9-19,1994




   Chapter in a book





Bilezikian J P. Clinical disorders of the parathyroid glands. In: Clinical Endocrinology of Calcium Metabolism, ed. by Martin T. J, Raisz



L. G., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and Basel, 1987, pp 53-96











Wanton J D, Gilman M, Witkowski J and Oiler . Recombinant DNA. New York Press, 1992





8. Legends for Figures





These should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and complied separately flown the text.




9. Tables





Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals, and each table should be on a separate page.




10. Figures






The publisher and the editor are resolved to provide the best possible reproductions of the illustrations. To do this, the authors must



submit high quality originals. Line drawings: The originals should be in India ink with three photographic copies, or their inlay may be



drawn by computer if the quality is high.









Use uncounted, high-gloss prints. Write the nature of the senior author and figure number on the back with a soft pencil or use a label to



avoid damaging the print. Indicate which set is to be reproduced. Use "press-on" or "insert" Letterings or equivalent. If possible,



columbine photographs in a composite (mounted) not larger than 17 x 22 cm. Color photography and illustrations will be charged to the



authors. The charge for one page of color is $500. Second and subsequent pages, up to four, will cost $300 per page. (US $1.00 = \120)





12.Amino acid and nucleic acid sequences





Sequences may be computer printed using a monospace font and a high quality printer.












Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 誌では基礎ならびに臨床関係の論文を積極的に受付ています。






  JHTB誌:12086ISN Science citation Index Expanded (Sci Search), Journal Citation Reports/

    Science Edition に採録。 現在のImpact Factor 0.674 (20116月改定の2010年度版)






1Journal of Hard Tissue Biology(和文)は硬組織細胞およびそれらの関連領域に関するテーマの






2.投稿は筆頭著者は硬組織再生生物学会会員またはJHTB Net Association会員(団体)の会員であればよい。

















1 Journal of Hard Tissue Biology(和文)は硬組織細胞およびそれらの関連領域に関する上記のテ-マの特集






2 投稿は筆頭著者は必ず硬組織生物学会員であることが定められている。(会員登録は下記参照)



3 投稿原稿は、タイトル、氏名、所属および抄録は和英で記載する。また、参考文献は英文参考文献を対象と




4 投稿原稿は規定にそった形で編集委員会に届いた日を受付日とし、審査終了日をもって受理日とする。



5 投稿原稿は英文、和文共通事項を以下に示す。送付先 に送付する。



6.   和原稿は、文中の英、数文字は半角とし、前後には半角スペースを入れる。改行マークは段落の最後のみ。



    段落の字下げは行わないこと。 また特殊文字は使用しない(例、罫線、下線、ローマ数字など)。












  **送付方法: Mail添付による投稿



1)       Mail添付による投稿では、タイトル (ランニングタイトル、キーワード含む)、 氏名、 所属ならびに住所(国名含む)、連絡先 アドレス、電話)等を記載してください。Text原稿 (抄録含む) はすべてWord. DOCで記し、 PDFと共に送付。 図表はペイント、Photoshop等jpeg,エクセル、(図のワード添付は参照程度) (注意:PW- パワーポイント は不受理



2) File形式はMSDOSの場合は、Text Fi1eMacintoshの場合は、Text FileまたはWord形式として、



   入力し原稿と共に投稿する。Macintosh fileの場合に限り、 日本文は平成明朝、半角文字はTimes Font



   (ギリシャ文字のみSymbol font)を使用すること。



3 論文はタイトル、氏名、所属、住所(国)、抄録、緒言、材料および方法、結果、考察、謝辞、参考文献の




4 抄録(Abstract 700words以内)は別紙にKey Words5語以内を明記す。 



5 図表および写真は、本文とは別にまとめる。






6 カラー写真の白黒印刷は不適です。あらかじめ白黒を用意してください。



7   本文中の外国語の人名・地名・物件名などは原語で記し、薬品名は一般名で書くことが望ましい。









8   本文中他の文献より文章、図、表等を引用する場合は予め著作権者の了解を得ること。その際は、



      出典 (著者名、著者、雑誌名、発行年、頁)を論文中に明記する。



9   本文中の文献の表記は引用箇所に引用順に右肩上に番号を記す。また、参考文献は次の要領で表記する。



      a 雑誌の場合は著者名(全員)表題 雑誌名 発行年 巻(号):貫一頁の順。



      b 書籍の場合は、著者名(編者)表題 版数 pp貫一頁 発行年(西暦年号)発行所 発行地の順









aUrist M .R, Huo Y K, Brownell A. G, Hohl W M,Buyske J, Lietze A, Tempst P,Hunkapillar M, and DeLange R. J.



     Purification of bovine bone morphogenetic protein by hydroxyapatite



     chromatography. Proc Natl Acad Sci  USA 81:371375, 1984



b)永井教之、長塚仁:骨・歯牙組織の病理検査法と研究技術の実際(永井教之編)学際企画 日本: 1990 pp1-28 






10  総説、レビュー、技術紹介、速報は英文和文を問わない。刷上り5頁以内とし、表題、著者名、



      所属機関および所在地(郵便号)、Key Word5Words以内)および英文抄録等は第1夏として扱う。









11  著者による校正は原則初校とし、初稿以外の校正中に原稿の字句を追加または削除したり、図、表の変更は認められない。



12  度量衡の単位は、SI単位系を原則とする。



        重量 kg mg mol mmol nmol Eq wt                長さ m cm mm mm nm



      容積 l ml m1 m3 cm3 mm3              濃度 M mM mM M ppm ppb mg



      時間 h min sec                    温度



      その他 pK Bq mbq cpm dpm pH Km Rf



    TextFile中で表示できないギリシャ文字または記号はSpell Outする(→angstrom,μ→micro, mu)。



      原稿には表示できない文字または記号は朱書によって表記する。Macintosh fileの場合にはギリシャ文字



      は全てSymbol fontによって記述すること。



13)   本誌掲載の編集著作物は本学会に帰属するものとする。ただし、論文の内容に関しては著者が責任を負う。



      雑誌発行予定  英文発行 毎年1号、2号、3号、和文随時(隔年4号として)



    問い合わせ先: JHTB 編集事務局:E-Mail:



